Big changes!

>> Monday, December 04, 2017

Not in the blog, but in my life. After just over 10 years in the UK, the time has come for a new adventure. At the end of January I will be moving to Helsinki (yes, in the middle of winter!) to start a new job. It's all a little bit scary and the amount of stuff to be done before I leave is kind of overwhelming, but mostly I'm really excited and can't wait to see what the future will bring (in the short term, probably a fair bit of snow, I imagine).

So the blog will probably continue to be a bit of a quiet zone for the next few months, but I absolutely intend to keep it going once I get settled in. I found it really nice to have that continuity 10 years ago, when I moved from Uruguay to the UK, and I expect it will also be a help this time.

So wish me luck, and any tips from those of you used to colder climates would be much appreciated!


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