>> Thursday, September 12, 2002

I finished Shades of Honor yesterday, but I couldn't post until now because we had a big storm and my internet connection was wiped out for a while. My grade is a B+. This was a likeable book, but it lost a lot of strength in the final 70 pages, after Radford and Evelyn's relationship was outed. I really enjoyed the build-up towards it, how the characters behaved when confronted with the problem of loving someone they shouldn't be loving, but after the confrontation scene, pfft, the book just lost steam. A pity.

This will sound shallow, but I had a little problem with the (only!) love scene. After all that heavy internal lusting, the payoff was extremely lackluster.

Still, points given for the interesting setting of post-Civil War New York state (much more to my taste than Southern settings) and for making Kyle a likeable character. I'll probably buy his book, which is apparently the next Lindstrom will release.


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