Child of her Dreams, by Sandra Steffen

>> Friday, September 12, 2003

I tried out a keeper of a friend of mine's: Child of her Dreams, by Sandra Steffen

Man in search of a future

Cade Sullivan's daughter was missing. And the single father's only hope lay in the visions of a reclusive woman. Though she'd forgotten her own past, he knew she held the key to his future. For the mysterious Lexa was tied to Cade in a way she could never imagine.

Woman without a past

Tragedy had taken Lexa's memory and given her a remarkable power. But Cade presented a puzzle she couldn't quite solve. All Lexa could discern about the lonely widower was their undeniable pull toward each other. And the feeling that their attraction could lead to destruction ....
This was a C. Not bad, but I didn't really enjoy it all that much.

The problem was that thoug the book had an interesting storyline, I never really got to connect with the characters. Maybe it was because the book was so short (less than 200 pages), but I never felt I'd got to know either of the main characters.

I kept reading because I was interested in Lexa's visions and wanted to know what the deal was with Callie's disappearance, but Lexa and Cade's romance just didn't catch my attention. When I skim the love scenes, it's a very bad sign.

Extra points for the interesting setting. I really did get a feel for it by the end of the book; it was more real to me than the characters, actually ;-)

Points taken for the a very irritating, supposedly sympathetic secondary character: Berdie, the woman who'd taken in Lexa when she'd come to the island to recover after the operation. I hated her way of speaking, and whenever she went on and on about Yankees, and General Lee or Grant or whatever, it just grated.

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