>> Wednesday, April 02, 2003

In spite of my promises, I tried to read another Julie Garwood earlier this week. It was a medieval this time, The Bride. Will I never learn? I gave up after gritting my teeth through the first 100 pages. Yeah, yeah, I know, you can't judge a whole book based on only the beginning, but what bothered me the most here was the style and the type of characters, my exact problems with the rest of her books that I've tried, so believe, it wasn't getting better. Luckily, this book was another loan from my friend María Inés, so, having not spent money to get it, I felt under no pressure to finish it.

At this point, I've tried 4 Garwoods apart from this one and I haven't liked any of them. This is many more chances than I usually give an author... most times, if I don't like the first book I try I'm very reluctant to try another one. I do so only if it gets lots of rave reviews, and sometimes I only allow myself to acquire it by trading for it. Garwood, however, is beloved by so many people (just check out the sheer number of DIK reviews she has at AAR) that it seems I can't believe her books inspire such violent dislike in me.


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