>> Monday, November 04, 2002
I was checking out the new reviews at AAR, and I ran across the one of Allison Kent's latest: The Sweetest Taboo. Now, I'd love to buy this, both because it sounds great (really modern characters, who have the kind of relationships with their friends that I do with mine) and because Kent has a very nice and classy on-line personality. However, Kent, along with Theresa Weir and Robin Schone, is one of the authors I don't buy anymore because of their writing style. (Other authors' styles bother me too, like Julie Garwood, but I have other reasons for not buying them apart of their styles).
Why I don't like Schone's style is pretty obvious, since everyone keeps complaining about the short, choppy sentences and the gloomy tone (also too bad, because she's on aarlist and seems really nice), but I haven't met anyone who's bothered by Kent and Weir's. I don't know if I can explain what my probem is in Kent's case. Basically, I get lost when I read her, and I'm never sure of what exactly is going on. Things seem to happen for no reason, and I can never figure out why her characters react in a certain way. I've never heard of anyone who feels the same way I do, so I guess it's just that her style doesn't click with me.
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