>> Tuesday, May 13, 2003

There was an interesting study (link in Spanish) published today in El Pais. It presents the results of a poll done by the state University analyzing Uruguayans' cultural tastes.

What shocked me the most was the fact that 43% of Uruguayans say they "never read" (books, that is). Only 30% say they read "a few" ("varios") books a year and 27% say they read "alguno", which is similar to "varios", but implies fewer (like 1 or 2 a year). Actually, I'm not shocked, exactly, since I know many people who'd be included in that 43% (one particular friend, even, once said to me proudly that not counting the ones he'd been assigned in school, the last book he'd ever read had been in 3rd year of elementary school). I'm saddened. I can't imagine not reading... I start feeling out of sorts when I'm studying and don't have much time to read for pleasure.

Other interesting tidbits:

*** 68% of Uruguayans (78% in Montevideo) have direct family and friends living abroad (I'm not surprised. There's been a huge wave of emmigration in the last couple of years. My own best friend moved to Paraguay late last year.)

*** 15% have gone to see dancing (like ballet, that is, not gone dancing) and 8% have gone to poetry readings in the last year. (that's interesting. I'd never have guessed about the poetry, especially.)

*** 41% say they like listening to "folklore" music (I'm not Uruguayan in this!)

*** 33% log on to the Internet at least once a month (I thought it would be less.)

*** 74% would prefer to see fewer Argentinian TV shows on open TV (these are the same people who don't miss Intrusos every afternoon, LOL!)


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